Turns out we were right about all those Throwing Snow Remixes awhile back now. They are due for release on digital on March 14th. So not long now for you to get your hands on 8 wicked tracks. In the meantime you can preview them all on 2 handy soundcloud widgets below and also check out an exclusive 320 download of the Greymatter remix.
And as a bonus here's a reasonably old and short but great mix from the man himself featuring unheard cuts from new Punch Drunk signing Kahn, aswell as cool cuts from TS himself.
DETONATE 12th BIRTHDAY Friday 25th February 2011 The Forum, Stealth & Rescue Rooms
In early 1999 Detonate launched it's first event at Deluxe (now Cookie Club) on a Thursday night. The plan was to put on a party playing the music they love, much like ourselves. So far that plan has lasted 12 years and it continues to remain the same in 2011. The good people who go to Detonate month after month are the main reason for the success of the night so we hope you'll consider going tomorrow and celebrate 12 years of one of our favourite nights out in the UK.
Ltd earlybird tickets just £12.50 (+bf) from detonate1
First of all thankyou so much to everyone who came down to the last dbe with the main man SHY FX last Thursday. It was truly a night to remember and Fusion was totally rammed all night! If it was your first time at dbe then where have you been all this time! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for our next event coming soon!
Secondly we have two upcoming local events we'd like to share with you. First up this Thursday at Rain Nightclub comes new regular Dubstep and Drum & Bass venture DUB N BASS. The drinks are cheap and upstairs will be playing DUBSTEP, DRUM & BASS plus anything with a banging bassline. Our lads Pasquale and Wolverine will be representing dbe on the night and also Jake Twell will be providing a versatile set aswell as residents. Downstairs will be a more chilled out area spinning house and classic tunes coming from Lukan, Greg Hale and others, if you need a breather. Watch out for their 'You Say We Play' segments where you request what you want to hear for 30 mins and 'Skank Off' competition! Pre tickets are £3.50 and on the door are £4.00. It's sure to be an 'IN YOUR FACE' night as their motto says.
Or if you fail at the book call this number for tickets: 07583 560594
Finally is the very charitable event and one off night of good music 'ZIP'. Coming up this Friday at Custard Bar Loughborough. Some like minded music friends have put their heads together and collected some top notch djs from Loughborough, Leicester, Leeds and London to put on a crazy night with ALL the proceeds to go to the Zambia Ideals Project. DJs on the night will again be our boys Pasquale and Wolverine along with up and coming dance smasher HulseMan. The heavy Mistamen who have just been signed to Greenmoney records and are wreckin venues with their eclectic sets of garage, 2-step, bassline and dubstep will be headlining and Claire Spooner, Pilot and EMC are also representing an eclectic line up! Advance tickets are £5 with 100% of the proceeds going to charity, or £7 on the door, so make you get those tickets early.
Get those tickets here: DANIELLE MARTIN - 07824386372 FAYE RAGAN - 07867914382 MARTYN WOOLLAM - 07799414854 EMILE COTTERILL - 07855728489 ELLA HEWTON - 07766713121 (Campus) SARAH CARLEY - 07702547016 (Leeds)
It's only one more sleep until the sights and sounds of Shy FX & Stamina MC are in the building, alongside our expert resident mixologists Samiad, Pasquale, Mike Mases & Wolverine. Tickets are still available to pick from THE ORANGE TREE, JC's bar or the LSU RECEPTION, or alternatively grab yours online using the links below!
or call 07921023082 to get your ticket with no booking fee! Be quick though, tickets are running LOW!
Also we have a brand new dbe blog mix for your ears to enjoy, coming from the man SK. This one's ravey and sure to get you in the mood for partying with dbe tomorrow night! Catch SK before the event itself at our OFFICIAL ORANGE TREE PRE-PARTY from 7.30. He'll probably be playing disco but he's been known to get the ladies groovin!
Swelling synth prodigy Throwing Snow's soundcloud has just been swarmed with loads of wicked variations and interpretations of his recent single on Alex Nut's new label Ho Tep, 'Un Vingt'. They range from simple tweaks like Ital Tek's trustworthy progressive remix, hands in the air house from D'eon, funky interpolations and syncopated drums from new boy Arrow!!!, deep drum based stuff from Greymatter, laid back trip hop vibes from his female collaborator Isola Dusk and even an 808 juke inspired take by Throwing Snow himself. We think a remix package is bound to be released soon and they all are really top notch takes on a wonderful original. Hear them all below (clips).
Once again we were kindly invited back on the air for another LCR Show for the 5th time last Saturday. Liam, David and Mark's LABEL music show got torn apart with some sick tunes, good chat, hilarious sketches and nuff rastamouse samples!! The show went without a hitch.... apart from that the arial was broken and the show did not go out live... nuff apologies.... But we have tried to reconcile these problems by bringing you the recording of the show in hope that you will enjoy it as much as you would have done listening live.
One of Nottingham's finest MCs Karizma has just released his new and totally free mixtape '10/10'. It feautures collabs with Starkey, Wariko, The Elementz and more! It's up for download at:
After what seems like a never-ending and ever-changing debate on micro-genres, a new musical plateau seems to be developing in the UK. One which is allowing vast integration and experimentation. It's vocabulary not just stuck to tried and tested 4/4 beats and bass. The moods are tense and the atmospheres seem to rise up to space, often sounding spectral and haunted. But this time there is a difference, the focal point of vocals.
More than ever before, artists are using and experimenting with their own voice in experimental music. With the rise of The XX and other critically acclaimed 'bands', the once submerged scene (which almost was completely unheard of back when dubstep first came out the doldrums) is now becoming more and more frequent. It's successes clear in the huge number of people coming home from a hazy club and jamming out to now 'temporary modern anthems' (a term i coined to highlight the alarming and frequent brevity of love for a record).
For a start, James Blake, much talked about, often much-maligned, but definitely permeating the vocal aesthetic. Once a purely experimental dubstep producer, affiliated with Hessle and Hemlock known for their forward thinking approach, the young producer then turned to what seemed like an R&B approach, sampling Aaliyah, Kelis and more along with his own warped vocals. Now though it seems he has taken another U-turn. His debut album full of those experimental productions he was once purely known for, along with warped gospel synths, but more surprisingly his now very bare and stripped down vocals at the fore. His first outputs seemed to have helped him make this sudden change with relative ease, the freedom of working under luminaries David Kennedy and Jack Dunning seem to have allowed him such an ease in changing his direction. 'Limit To Your Love' might have been a curveball, the original seeming almost too similar and the JB vocal clearly weaker, but the rest of the album is ripe with stripped down vulnerability. James Blake's tender productions almost break apart and then rise together like a hazy come up. His vocals interplay with the instrumentation and often roll along smoothly like a lullaby, but always with a hint of heartbreak.
Jamie Woon too has been making similar moves. Although rather than being a versatile producer, his voice is his main instrument. Older songs like 'Wayfaring Stranger'and 'Spirits' use his looped vocals to create breathtaking layering of sound all from his mouth. Rather than play like a poor man's Beardyman, Jamie Woon oozes pure soul rather than b-boy prowess. His silky voice sounding apart from any smooth instrument. More recently his live shows pit him up with his sampler and guitar, ably crafting acoustic ballads, and up to date his releases 'Night Air' and his appearances on Platform Mag's The Boiler Room show a more layered and structured song-writing approach in his productions. Similarly to The XX, his debut album is sure to be compared to the Mercury award winners, but the strength does not this time lie in the vulnerability of production and performance. His voice this time is powerful, announcing and oozing soul and dare i say it, production and delivery along the lines of Justin Timberlake. But with the increasing openess of the 'scene' incorporating r'n'b idealistics, some might think that the comparison is not entirely a bad one.
On the other end of the spectrum, there is Sampha, Fatima, Olivier Daysoul, Dam-Funk. Two Brits and two Americans. Although all have been received the brightest in the continuum of the UK. Their delivery and performance all add to the stripped down aesthetic of the current beat scene in Britain, and most have been affiliated with at least one big producer in the bass game. Sampha taking his soulful delivery and adding to SBTRKT's garage and breakbeat productions, Fatima working with the up and coming beat collective Eglo records, Olivier Daysoul smashing Hudson Mohawke's intricate and kitch beatscapes and Dam-Funk creating a South-Cal funk resurgence that is currently taking the UK by storm. The way in which these artists perform so freely and with such vibrancy is case in point to my discussion. Producers see these cats having fun and WANT to work with them. It's an opening that DJ's clamber to get involved with and although live it might not be to everyone's taste, the fact that these guys are experimenting is testament to the scene's aesthetic of 'Can't stop, won't stop'.
What sets it apart though is the direction this scene is taking. Comparisons can be made to the independence of the bass continuum but the music is totally different. Often sealed with joy, often permeating sadness and pain, it's versatility and range compels and excites. There truly is something for everyone.